Man pages for safetyGraphics
Interactive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety

app_startupStartup code for shiny app
chartsNavAdds a navbar tab that initializes the Chart Module UI
chartsTabServer for chart module, designed to be re-used for each...
chartsTabUIUI for chart module, designed to be re-used for each chart...
detectStandardDetect the data standard used for a data set
evaluateStandardEvaluate a data set against a data standard
filterTabServer for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
filterTabChecksChecks for whether the current data and settings support a...
filterTabUIUI for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
generateMappingListConvert mapping data.frame to a list
hasColumnCheck whether a column is found in a data set
hasFieldCheck whether a specified field value is found in a data set
homeTabServer for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
homeTabUIUI for the home module
loadChartsServer for the chart loading module used in...
loadChartsUIUI for the chart loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
loadDataServer for the data loading module used in...
loadDataUIUI for the data loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
makeChartConfigMake Chart Config
makeChartExportMake Chart Export
makeChartParamsMake Chart Parameters
makeChartSummaryhtml chart summary
makeMappingCreate data mapping based on data standards and user input
makeMetaCreate a metadata object table for a set of charts
mappingColumnServer that facilitates the mapping of a column data (and any...
mappingColumnUIUI that facilitates the mapping of a column data (and any...
mappingDomainServer that facilitates the mapping of a full data domain
mappingDomainUIUI that facilitates the mapping of a full data domain
mappingSelectServer that facilitates the mapping of a single data element...
mappingSelectUIUI that facilitates the mapping of a single data element...
mappingTabServer for mapping tab covering of all data domains
mappingTabUIUI for mapping tab covering of all data domains
pipePipe operator
prepareChartPrepare a chart object for safetyGraphics
SafetyGraphics'safetyGraphics' package
safetyGraphicsAppRun the core safetyGraphics App
safetyGraphicsInitApp to select charts, load data and then initialize the core...
safetyGraphicsServerServer for core safetyGraphics app including Home, Mapping,...
safetyGraphicsUIUI for the core safetyGraphics app including Home, Mapping,...
setMappingListValueSet the value for a given named parameter
settingsChartsServer for settings tab showing details for the charts loaded...
settingsChartsUIUI for settings tab showing details for the charts loaded in...
settingsCodeServer for settings tab providing code to re-start the app...
settingsCodeUIUI for settings tab providing code to re-start the app with...
settingsDataServer for settings tab showing current data
settingsDataUIUI for settings tab showing current data
settingsMappingServer for settings tab showing current mapping
settingsMappingUIUI for settings tab showing current mapping
settingsTabServer for the setting page
settingsTabUIUI for the settings tab
textKeysToListHelper function to convert keys from text to nested lists
safetyGraphics documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:58 a.m.