salty: salty: Turn Clean Data Into Messy Data

saltyR Documentation

salty: Turn Clean Data Into Messy Data


Insert, delete, replace, and substitute bits of your data with messy values.


Convenient wrappers such as salt_punctuation are provided for quick access to this package's functionality with simple defaults. For more fine-grained control, use one of the underlying salt_ functions:

  • salt_insert will insert new characters into some of the values of x. All the original characters of the original values will be maintained.

  • salt_substitute will substitute some characters in some of the values of x in place of some of the original characters.

  • salt_replace will replace some characters in some of the values of x. Unlike salt_substitute, salt_replace does conditional replacement dependent on the original values of x, such as changing capitalization or simulating OCR errors based on certain character combinations.

  • salt_delete will remove some characters in the values of x

  • salt_na and salt_empty will replace some values of x with NA or with empty strings.

  • salt_swap replaces entire values of x with new strings

salty documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:28 p.m.