Possible warnings of sampbias and solutions

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Sampbias might return warning messages depending on input data and settings. All should be fixable, please report additional bugs at https://github.com/azizka/sampbias/issues.

1."'gaz' not found, using standard gazetteers"

Occurs if the gaz option is not specified when calling SamplingBias, indicating a fall back to the default gazetteers distributed with the package. This is generally not a problem, and might even be desired. Note however, that the default gazetteers are of global scale and thus, relatively coarse. So, especially for small scale analyses, more detailed regional to local gazetteers might be desirable. Default gazetteers include airports, cities, rivers and roads. Check the vignette "Using the sampbias rpackage" for more information on how to use custom gazetteers.

2."huge raster size"

Occurs if the raster of the study area exceeds 1 million grid cells, due to the combination of study area extent and the chosen res. There is no theoretical limit to the number of grid cells, but calculations might get slow and hit memory limits. Try do either reduce the extent of the study area or decrease resolution.

3."Adapting buffer precision to resolution. Buffer set to X" or "'Buffer' is not a multiple of res. Set 'buffer' to a multiple of res"

Occurs if the buffer is not a multiple of res which might cause undesired raster shifts. Sampbias automatically changes the buffer to be a multiple of res. To avoid this warning always set the buffer to any desired multiple of res. This warning can usually be safely ignored.

4."Evening buffer. Buffer set to X"

Occurs if the buffer is set to an odd number. The buffer has to be even, as it adds to all sides of the extent of X. To avoid this warnings set buffer to an even number. This warning can usually be safely ignored.

5."No reference found for 'X'. Increase buffer."

Occurs if for any gazetteer no element is found with the study area, e.g. no road in the entire area. This mostly can happen in small scale studies of remote areas using coarse gazetteers. Increase buffer to include the closest element of the gazetteer, or exclude the respective gazetteer from the study. Problematic gazetteers will be ignored for the analyses.

6."No references found within study boundaries. Increase buffer. Falling back to species and occurrence raster"

Occurs if no elements for any gazetteer can be found in the study area. Increase the buffer or provide a more suitable set of gazetteers. Only occurrence and species raster are produced as output.

7."Gazetteers have NA values in first column, the corresponding entries will be ignored"

Occurs if there are any NA entries in the first feature of the SpatVector object used as gazetteers. Check the gazetteers and consider revising or excluding problematic entries.

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sampbias documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:59 a.m.