Man pages for sams
Merge-Split Samplers for Conjugate Bayesian Nonparametric Models

asCanonicalCoerce a Vector of Cluster Labels to Canonical Form
asClusterLabelsCoerce a Set Partition in List Structure to Numeric Vectors...
asSetPartitionCoerce a Set Partition as Numeric Vectors of Cluster Labels...
clusterProportionsCompute the Proportion of Items in Each Cluster for All...
clusterTracePlot Traces of Cluster Sizes
clusterWithItemIdentify Which Cluster Contains a Given Item
createNewClusterCreate a New Cluster with Given Item
dCRPCompute Probability Mass of a Partition Under the Two...
getThetasGet theta Parameters from a Numeric Vector of Cluster Labels...
isCanonicalCheck if a Vector of Cluster Labels is in Canonical Form
joinExistingClusterJoin Item to an Existing Cluster
nClustersCount the Number of Clusters in a Set Partition
nealAlgorithm3Conjugate Gibbs Sampler for a Partition
p18_bernMultivariate Independent Bernoulli Data (p = 18)
p18_corr_mvnCorrelated Multivariate Normal Data (p = 18)
p18_mvnIndependent Multivariate Normal Data (p = 18)
p6_bernMultivariate Independent Bernoulli Data (p = 6)
p6_big_bernLarge Sample Multivariate Independent Bernoulli Data (p = 6)
p6_mvnIndependent Multivariate Normal Data (p = 6)
partitionEntropyCalculate the Entropy of a Set Partition
pochCompute the Pochhammer Symbol (Rising Factorials) With...
psmCompute the Posterior Pairwise Similarity for All Pairs of...
psmMergeSplitMerge-Split Sampling for a Partition Based on Sequential...
psmMergeSplit_baseBase Functionality for the psmMergeSplit Function
restrictedGibbsMergeSplitMerge-Split Sampling for a Partition Based on Restricted...
seqAllocatedMergeSplitMerge-split Sampling for a Partition Based on Sequential...
seqAllocatedMergeSplit_baseBase Functionality for the seqAllocatedMergeSplit Function
simpleMergeSplitMerge-Split Sampling for a Partition Using Uniformly Random...
sizeOfLargestClusterCalculate the Number of Items in the Largest Cluster of a Set...
transformedWeightsEnumerate Transformed Weights for Choosing i and j...
sams documentation built on April 20, 2022, 1:06 a.m.