
test_that("full example test", {

  ## load example dataset (this type of loading is 
  ## needed otherwise testthat produces an error)
  data(sample, envir = environment())
  input <- sample

  ## simple run
  aliquot <- expect_type(prepare_Aliquot(
    sample = input, 
    diameter = 0.1), "list")
  ### make sure the attributes are correct
  expect_true(attr(aliquot, "package") == "sandbox")
  ## crash function
    sample = input, 
    diameter = 500), 
    "\\[prepare_Aliquot\\(\\)\\] chosen aliquot diameter too large; exceeding area sum of all grains!")
  ## crash because of wrong input
  test <- numeric(1)
  attr(test,"package") <- "sandbox"

    sample = test, 
    diameter = 0.1), 
    "\\[prepare_Aliquot\\(\\)\\] the input for sample is not of type data.frame!")
    sample = numeric(), 
    diameter = 0.1), 
    "\\[prepare_Aliquot\\(\\)\\] the input for sample is not an object created by 'sandbox'!")

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sandbox documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.