Man pages for santoku
A Versatile Cutting Tool

breaks-classClass representing a set of intervals
brk_defaultCreate a standard set of breaks
brk_manualCreate a 'breaks' object manually
brk_width-for-datetimeEqual-width intervals for dates or datetimes
chopCut data into intervals
chop_equallyChop equal-sized groups
chop_evenlyChop into equal-width intervals
chop_fnChop using an existing function
chop_mean_sdChop by standard deviations
chop_nChop into fixed-sized groups
chop_prettyChop using pretty breakpoints
chop_proportionsChop into proportions of the range of x
chop_quantilesChop by quantiles
chop_widthChop into fixed-width intervals
exactlyDefine singleton intervals explicitly
filletChop data precisely (for programmers)
lbl_dashLabel chopped intervals like 1-4, 4-5, ...
lbl_discreteLabel discrete data
lbl_endpointsLabel chopped intervals by their left or right endpoints
lbl_glueLabel chopped intervals using the 'glue' package
lbl_intervalsLabel chopped intervals using set notation
lbl_manualDefunct: label chopped intervals in a user-defined sequence
lbl_midpointsLabel chopped intervals by their midpoints
lbl_seqLabel chopped intervals in sequence
non-standard-typesTips for chopping non-standard types
percentSimple percentage formatter
santoku-castInternal functions
santoku-packageA versatile cutting tool for R
santoku documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:52 a.m.