Man pages for satellite
Handling and Manipulating Remote Sensing Data

alignGeometryAlign raster geometry between two data sets
brickConvert selected layers of a Satellite object to a...
calcAtmosCorrAtmospheric correction of remote sensing data
calcDODNCompile dark object DN for given sensor band
calcEarthSunDistCompute earth-sun distance based on day of the year
calcPathRadDOSCompute path radiance based on the dark object method
calcTOAIrradModelCompute top of atmosphere solar irradiance for sensor bands...
calcTOAIrradRadRefCompute top of atmosphere solar irradiance using radiation...
calcTOAIrradTableGet top of atmosphere solar irradiance using readily...
calcTopoCorrCorrect for topographic effects.
compFilePathLandsatGet filename, bands and metadata file for Landsat 7 and 8...
compMetaLandsatGet calibration information from Landsat 8 standard level...
convRad2BTConvert a band's scaled counts to brightness temperature
convRad2RefConvert a band's scaled counts or radiance values to...
convRef2RadLinearConvert reflectance to radiance using linear function...
convSC2RadConvert a band's scaled counts to radiance
convSC2RefConvert a band's scaled counts or radiance values to...
cropCrop Satellite object
demToolsCompute terrain characteristics from digital elevation models
extendExtend a Satellite object
l7Landsat 7 sample data
l8Landsat 8 sample data
lutInfoGet or access internal LUT values used by various functions
maskInvarFeaturesIdentify pseudo-invariant features from a satellite scene
namesGet/set Satellite data layer names
plotPlot a Satellite object
satelliteCreate a Satellite object
Satellite-classAn S4 class to represent a complete satellite dataset
SatelliteInfo-classAn S4 class to represent a satellite data file
SatelliteLayers-classAn S4 class to represent satellite data
SatelliteLog-classAn S4 class to represent satellite log data
SatelliteMetaData-classAn S4 class to represent satellite metadata
satellite-packageSmorgasboard for remote sensing functions.
satInfoGet or access Satellite object information used by various...
stackConvert selected layers of a Satellite object to a...
subsetSubset of Satellite object data layers
satellite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.