compMetaLandsat: Get calibration information from Landsat 8 standard level...

View source: R/compMetaLandsat.R

compMetaLandsatR Documentation

Get calibration information from Landsat 8 standard level 1B/T filename


The function scans a Lansat metadata file for various calibration and orbit coefficients as well as some sensor specific data.





Path and filename of the Landsat metadata file.


data.frame containing the following information for each band/layer:

  • DATE date (e.g. 2013-07-07)

  • SID sensor id (e.g. LC8)

  • SENSOR sensor name (e.g. Landsat 8)

  • SGRP sensor group (e.g. Landsat)

  • BID band id (e.g. 7)

  • BCDE band code (5 digit standard name, e.g B001n)

  • SRES spatial resolution of the sensor band (e.g. 30 for 30 m x 30m)

  • TYPE type of the sensor band regarding wavelength (e.g. VIS)

  • SPECTRUM spectral range regarding radiation source (e.g. solar)

  • CALIB type of applied calibration (e.g. SC for scaled counts)

  • RID region id (e.g. R00001) for multi region Satellite objects

  • RADA addtition coefficient for radiance conversion

  • RADM multiplication coefficient for radiance conversion

  • REFA addtition coefficient for reflectance conversion

  • REFM multiplication coefficient for reflectance conversion

  • BTK1 brightness temperature correction parameter

  • BTK2 brightness temperature correction parameter

  • SZEN sun zenith angle

  • SAZM sun azimuth angle

  • SELV sun elevation angle

  • ESD earth-sun distance (AU)

  • LMIN Minimum wavelength of the band (micrometer)

  • LMAX Maximum wavelength of the band (micrometer)

  • RADMIN Minimum radiance recorded by the band

  • RADMAX Maximum radiance recorded by the band

  • REFMIN Minimum reflectance recorded by the band

  • REFMAX Maximum reflectance recorded by the band

  • LNBR Layer number from 1 to n layers

  • LAYER Layer name

  • FILE Filepath of the data file

  • METAFILE Filepath of the metadata file


path <- system.file("extdata", package = "satellite")
files <- list.files(path, pattern = glob2rx("LC08*.TIF"), full.names = TRUE)

satellite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.