CreateGeo4SS: Function reads the population and case SaTScan (TM) input...

View source: R/CreateGeo4SS.r

CreateGeo4SSR Documentation

Function reads the population and case SaTScan (TM) input files and creates a coordinates file based on the U. S. state, county, or census tract FIPS code as the location IDs.


The satscanMapper creates maps based on the information and statistics data provide by in the SaTScan (TM) Results Files. The package can map the 50 U.S. states, District of Columbia and the Puerto Rico territory at the state, county and census tract levels.

The satscanMapper requires the location IDs to be the U. S. FIPS codes for the States (and DC/Territories), State/Counties, or State/County/Census Tracts depending on the mapping level required for the data. The FIPS codes and boundary data used by this package is based on the 2000 and 2010 U. S. Census and were pulled from the Census Bureau web site. The SeerMapper package is used for the mapping and the source of all boundary data.

The CreateGeo4SS function creates a coordinates file based on the location IDs in the input population and case files to the SaTScan (TM) package. The satscanMapper function takes the results and generates maps. To make sure the analysis and the clustering coordinates matches the state, county and census tract boundary data used by SeerMapper to map the results, it is CRITICAL the initial input coordinates file matches the projection and coordinates used by SeerMapper.

CreateGeo4SS reads the population and case files, collects the locations IDs used, validates the Location IDs against the U. S. FIPS standards, and creates a coordinates (.geo) file for use as input to the SaTScan (TM) package.


CreateGeo4SS( path      = NULL,   # optional path to the case and population files.
                     pop       = NULL,   # filename of the population file
                     cas       = NULL,   # filename of the case file
                     geo       = NULL,   # output filename for the coordinates file
                     overwrite = FALSE,  # overwrite permission on coordinates file
                                         #   def = FALSE
                     header    = TRUE,   # headers present on the pop and case files
                                         #   def = TRUE
                     censusYear= NULL    # def = 2000.



is the name of the directory containing the input population and case files. If present, it will also be used for the coordinates output file. The path= value will be prepended to the pop, case and geo filenames if needed to access the file.


is the file name of the input population file. The value can be a full filename with a path or just a filename to be used with the path= call parameter. The format of the population file must be the Location ID followed by a white-space separator and any number of fields required. Only the location ID is evaluation. A valid pop or case file must be specified.


is the file name of the input case file. The value can be a full filename with a path or just a filename to be used with the path= call parameter. The format of the case file must be the Location ID followed by a white-space separator and any number of fields required. Only the location ID is evaluation. A valid pop or case file must be specified.


is the file name of the output coordinates file. If no extension is provided, ".geo" will be used. It the geo= call parameter is not specified, the base filename and path of the case and population will be used to create a coordinates file. The value can be a full filename with path or a filename to be used with the path= call parameter. The file specified is check to see if it already exists. If the overwrite= call parameter is set to TRUE, the existing file will be overwritten. If overwriting is not permitted and the file exists, no coordinates file is created and the caller informed . Note: A data.frame representing the coordinates file, is returned to the CreateGeo4SS caller and the functions value.


is a logical value. The overwrite call parameter determines what will happen if the output coordinates filename already exists. If TRUE, the fill will be overwritten. If FALSE, the file will not be overwritten and no output file will be generated. The default value is FALSE.


is a logical value. The header call parameter is passed through to the read.table functions to indicate if the input files have a header line as the first line of the file. If set to TRUE, the first line is processed as a field name line instead of data. If set to FALSE, the first line of the file is treated as data. The default value is TRUE. The header call parameter is also used to control whether or not to include a header line in the coordinate output file. Both the population and case files must have headers or not have headers.


This is a character value of the census year of the location IDs in the population and case data records or the SatScan (TM) results data files. The acceptable values for the censusYear parameter are "2000" and "2010". The default value is "2000" for the 2000 census year.


The CreateGeo4SS function creates a coordinates file for input to the SaTScan (TM) package. By using the CreateGeo4SS function, the caller an ensure the location IDs used in the population and case files match the FIPS codes for the specified census years and that the coordinates used in the analysis are equal-area projection coordinates that match the boundary data stored in the SeerMapper package (which draws the maps.) Once the coordinate file is created, the population, case and coordinates file can be used by the SaTScan (TM) package and the results mapped by the satscanMapper function in this package.

The locations IDs used in the population and case files must be the U. S. FIPS states (2-digit), state/counties (5-digit), or state/county/census tract (11-digit) codes based on the geographical units being mapped. Since the FIPS codes are different in the 2000 and 2010 census years, the caller needs to notify CreateGeo4SS and satscanMapper via the censusYear call parameter if the location identifiers are from the 2010 census years. The packages default to using the 2000 census FIPS codes and boundary data. If the location ID based on the 2010 census, set censusYear call parameter to "2010" and the packages adjust.

This package will only map the boundaries of states that are linked to data or have counties or tracts linked to data within their boundaries.




Jim Pearson and Linda Pickle of StatNet Consulting, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD


##  Example # 1 - creating a coordinates file for a SaTScan (TM) analysis
##  This example access the population and case data files used in a 
##  SaTScan (TM) analysis:
##     a) read the files to build a list of all of the location IDs 
##          involved in the analysis, 
##     b) validates the location IDs against the U. S. Census web site's 
##          list of Location IDs for that year and geographic level 
##          (State, State/County or State/County/Census Tract), and 
##     c) returns a list of centroid X, Y coordinates for each location ID.
##  The coordinates file can be written to disk or returned as a data.frame 
##  to the caller as the return value of the CreateGeo4SS function.
##  The coordinates values returned are based on an equal-area projection 
##  of the lat and long values of the area centroids based on the 
##  area boundary data used to map the areas.
##  The example population and case data files distributed with the package 
##  are located in the installation directory for the satscanMapper package.
##  return a DF of the coordination data
## Not run: 

SSInstDir <- system.file(package="satscanMapper", "extdata")

PopFile   <- "inc_noadj_cir.pop"

CasFile   <- "inc_noadj_cir.cas"

GeoDF     <- CreateGeo4SS(path=SSInstDir, 



## End(Not run)
#  Example removed due to time constraints

#  This example #2 creates a coordinates file.

## Not run: 

SSInstDir <- system.file(package="satscanMapper", "extdata")

PopFile   <- "inc_noadj_cir.pop"

CasFile   <- "inc_noadj_cir.cas"

GeoDF     <- CreateGeo4SS(path=SSInstDir, 

# output file written to the extdata directory of the package installation.

## End(Not run)


print(" End of CreateGeo4SS examples.")


satscanMapper documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:09 a.m.