evs.2000.hun: European Values Survey (2000) - Hungary

Description Format Details References


A sample of European Values Survey (2000) dataset - Hungary


A data frame with 1000 observations and 34 variables.


This is only a sample dataset for package ggpt and evs.2000.hun does not contain all variables from the original dataset available to download from the EVS main site.

The data is made of quite a lot of variables, see below. The field work was taken in 1999 in Hungary. The cases represents the Hungarian population (n=1.000) and a weight variable is also given.

The included variables were choosen to be able to test the ggpot package's functions, and mainly includes 'multiple response' and some 'matrix/array type' questions.

Theese are answeres to the following questions:



saves documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.