Man pages for saws
Small-Sample Adjustments for Wald Tests Using Sandwich Estimators

clogistCalcConditional Logistic Regression fit
dietfatMammary Tumors and Different Types of Dietary Fat in Rodents
geeUOmegaModified gee function to output extra objects for saws
lmfitSawsLinear model function to output extra objects for saws
mgeeModified gee function to output extra objects for saws
micefatDietary fat and Mammary tumors in Mice
print.sawsPrint saws object
sawsSmall sample Adjustments for Wald-type tests using Sandwich...
saws-internalInternal functions, not to be called directly
saws-packageSmall-Sample Adjustments for Wald tests Using Sandwich...
SDcornMammary tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats fed Corn Oil
saws documentation built on June 24, 2022, 1:07 a.m.