sbd: Size Biased Distributions

sbdR Documentation

Size Biased Distributions


Fitting and plotting parametric or non-parametric size-biased non-negative distributions, with optional covariates in the case of parametric. Supports three parametric options, log-normal, Weibull, and gamma.


The core function is sbm, which fits a model to non-negative observations to estimate the average of the underlying distribution assuming that the probability of making an observation is proportional to the size of that observation. The default gives a non-parametric fit (the harmonic mean), and three parametric options are also available: log-normal, Weibull, and gamma. Covariates can be included in parametric models. The output is a list of class sbm, which has methods plot, predict, summary, and AIC. The functions were developed to support the analysis of speed observations from camera trap data described by Rowcliffe et al. (2016).


Maintainer: Marcus Rowcliffe


Patil, G. P. 2002 Weighted distributions. Pp. 2369–2377 in A.H. El-Shaarawi, W. W. Piegorsch, eds. Encycolpedia of Environmetrics. Wiley, Chichester.

Rowcliffe, J.M., Jansen, P.A., Kays, R., Kranstauber, B., and Carbone, C. (2016). Wildlife speed cameras: measuring animal travel speed and day range using camera traps. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2, 84-94.

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sbd documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:50 a.m.

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