label_number_auto: Label numbers, avoiding scientific notation where possible

View source: R/label-number-auto.R

label_number_autoR Documentation

Label numbers, avoiding scientific notation where possible


Switches between number_format() and scientific_format() based on a set of heuristics designed to automatically generate useful labels across a wide range of inputs



See Also

Other labels for continuous scales: label_bytes(), label_currency(), label_number_si(), label_ordinal(), label_parse(), label_percent(), label_pvalue(), label_scientific()


# Very small and very large numbers get scientific notation
demo_continuous(c(0, 1e-6), labels = label_number_auto())
demo_continuous(c(0, 1e9), labels = label_number_auto())

# Other ranges get the numbers printed in full
demo_continuous(c(0, 1e-3), labels = label_number_auto())
demo_continuous(c(0, 1), labels = label_number_auto())
demo_continuous(c(0, 1e3), labels = label_number_auto())
demo_continuous(c(0, 1e6), labels = label_number_auto())

# Transformation is applied individually so you get as little
# scientific notation as possible
demo_log10(c(1, 1e7), labels = label_number_auto())

scales documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.