Man pages for scapesClassification
User-Defined Classification of Raster Surfaces

anchor.cellCell numbers to class vector
anchor.seedIdentify seed cells
anchor.svoAnchor cells from spatial vector objects
attTblAttribute table
classify.allClassify All Unclassified Cells
cond.4.allTest conditions for all cells
cond.4.nofnTest conditions for neighbors and neighbors of neighbors
conditionsscapesClassification conditions
cond.parseParse conditions
cond.reclassTest conditions and reclassify
cv.2.rastClass vector to raster
ngb8Eight neighbors
ngbListList of neighborhoods
obj.borderBorders of raster objects
obj.nbsShared borders of raster objects
peak.cellIdentify local maxima or minima
pi.addPosition index addition
pi.sgmPosition index segmentation
reclass.nbsReclassify neighbors
rel.piRelative position index
scapesClassification documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:32 p.m.