Man pages for schoolmath
Functions and Datasets for Math Used in School

cancel.fractioncancel a fraction to the smallest numbers
decimal2fractionconvert a decimal-number into fraction
gcdGreatest common divisor of two numbers
is.decimalchecks if a number is decimal or integer
is.evenchecks if a number or vector is even
is.negativecheck whether numbers of a vector are negative
is.oddchecks if a number or vector is odd
is.positivecheck whether numbers of a vector are positive
is.primcheck whether a vector contains prime-numbers
is.real.positivecheck whether numbers of a vector are real positive. Real...
is.wholecheck whether a vector contains numbers with decimal places
prime.factorThis function calculates the prime-factors of a number
primesgenerate prime-numbers in a range from START to END
primlistA vector containing primes from 0 to 9999999
scmcalculating the smallest common multiple of two numbers
schoolmath documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:08 p.m.