Man pages for sdPrior
Scale-Dependent Hyperpriors in Structured Additive Distributional Regression

dapprox_unifCompute Density Function of Approximated (Differentiably)...
DesignMComputing Designmatrix for Splines
get_thetaFind Scale Parameter for (Scale Dependent) Hyperprior
get_theta_aunifFind Scale Parameter for Hyperprior for Variances Where the...
get_theta_gaFind Scale Parameter for Gamma (Half-Normal) Hyperprior
get_theta_gbpFind Scale Parameter for Generalised Beta Prime (Half-Cauchy)...
get_theta_igFind Scale Parameter for Inverse Gamma Hyperprior
get_theta_linearFind Scale Parameter for Inverse Gamma Hyperprior of Linear...
hyperparFind Scale Parameters for Inverse Gamma Hyperprior of...
hyperparlinFind Scale Parameter for Inverse Gamma Hyperprior of Linear...
hyperpar_modFind Scale Parameter for modular regression
mdbetaMarginal Density of beta
mdf_aunifMarginal Density for Given Scale Parameter and Approximated...
mdf_gaMarginal Density for Given Scale Parameter and Half-Normal...
mdf_gbpMarginal Density for Given Scale Parameter and Half-Cauchy...
mdf_igMarginal Density for Given Scale Parameter and Inverse Gamma...
mdf_sdMarginal Density for Given Scale Parameter and...
papprox_unifCompute Cumulative Distribution Function of Approximated...
rapprox_unifDraw Random Numbers from Approximated (Differentiably)...
zambia_graphPrior precision matrix for spatial variable in Zambia data...
zambia_height92Malnutrition in Zambia
sdPrior documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:57 a.m.