hier_info: Information about hierarchy-codes

View source: R/hier_info.R

hier_infoR Documentation

Information about hierarchy-codes


hier_info() computes various information about hierarchy codes or the (nested) hierarchy.


hier_info(tree, nodes = NULL)



a (nested) hierarchy created using hier_create() or modified using hier_add(), hier_delete() or hier_rename().


(character) names of new nodes that should be added below "root"


a list with information about the required nodes. If nodes is NULL (the default), the information is computed for all available nodes of the hierarchy. The following properties are computed:

  • exists: (logical) does the node exist

  • name: (character) node name

  • is_rootnode: (logical) is the node the overall root of the tree?

  • level: (numeric) what is the level of the node

  • is_leaf: (logical) is the node a leaf?

  • siblings: (character) what are siblings of this node?

  • contributing_codes: (character) which codes are contributing to this node? If none (it is a leaf), NA is returned

  • children: (character) the names of the children of the node. If it has none (it is a leaf), NA is returned

  • is_bogus: (logical) is it a bogus code (i. e the only children of a leaf?)


h <- hier_create(root = "Total",  nodes = LETTERS[1:3])
h <- hier_add(h, root = "A", nodes = c("a1", "a5"))

# about a specific node
hier_info(h, nodes = "a1")

# about all nodes

sdcHierarchies documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.