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A listing of all the helper and undocumented functions in sdtoolkit, along with brief description of their functionality. While some of these are useless except as part of larger functions, many may have use in post-discovery analysis of boxes, and the user may wish to explore their application.
The functions are briefly discussed below, along with attributions to code from Duong's original prim package, where appropriate.
beval“Box Evaluation” - Calculates coverage and density statistics for an individual box.
boxconverterConverts a matrix-style box to a list-style box for use in pbox
colptplot“Colored Point Plot” - Function for plotting a scatterplot of the dataset given two specific dimensions to focus on, with high-value and low-value points distinguished via different fills and/or colors.
contourmkrA rather untransparent function that generates other boxes by removing dimensions from the boxes that populate a box trajectory.
csvboxesWrites out box definitions in format designed to be read in by CARs.
dimchecker“Dimension Checker” - Small function to determine which ends of which dimensions have been restricted from their initial values.
dupcolchecker“Duplicate Column Checker” - Called by sd.start
, checks for whether columns in the potential input matrix are identical to other columns.
filterptsTakes a dataset and a box, and returns the subset of points inside or outside the box.
find.trajBased on Duong's
, is called by prim.traj
, uses
to generate a trajectory of boxes.
boxformatFormats box definition and statistics so they can be printed nicely.
in.boxUnmodified from Duong, tests which points are inside a given box. from Duong, test which points are inside a box sequence.
lvoutFinds the statistics associated with the boxes that result from dropping individual dimensions from a box.
nicecatAn entirely helper function for automatically doing word wrap, used in dialogue-heavy functions in the R console, such as sd.start
and sdprim
nullprobEstimates p-values for the significance of dimension restrictions, under certain assumptions (which are likely not actually met).
olapsTakes the input data, output data and box sequence and returns the olaps
attribute of a box sequence, a matrix which gives absolute coverage, and overlaps in box support and coverage.
paste.oneEssentially Duong's function - pasting one face onto a candidate box on the trajectory.
pboxFunction to plot rectangular boxes based on the box definitions in one of several forms.
peel.oneVery slightly modified from Duong's function of the same name, notably to call pquantile
(below) rather than one of R's built-in quantile functions.
pquantileA modified quantile function that better accounts for input vectors that have multiple repeated values.
prim.trajSecond-most high function that is responsible selection of individual boxes. The function sdprim
is essentially a wrapper for this. Based off of Duong's
prim.trajautoA test implementation to use objective function values based on coverage, density and dimensionality. INCOMPLETE AND UNTESTED.
boxprintPrints boxes in an easy to read way, along with some of their statistics.
pvallisterA wrapper of nullprob
, calculates the quasi-p-values displayed along with dimension restrictions.
rankerRanks the dimension restrictions according to their importance in raising the density of the box.
resampstatsResamples the original dataset multiple times to get an estimate of the variance of the statistics.
sdprimautoAn sdprim version designed to wrap around prim.trajauto for automatic box selection. INCOMPLETE AND UNTESTED.
traj.infoGet information on boxes in the trajectory.
traj.statsFormulate the trajectory statistics.
trajplotPlots a box trajectory, possibly with dimensions contours and dominated points.
uberstatsFinds the ensemble statistics for a box sequence.
unionerTakes two box definitions (defined differently in a somewhat non-standard format) and returns the box that minimally encompasses both, in list format.
unionptsFinds the union of points contained within all boxes in a box sequence.
vol.boxDuong's original code, used by
Benjamin P. Bryant,, with some code taken from Tarn Duong's prim package.
, prim
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