Man pages for secuTrialR
Handling of Data from the Clinical Data Management System 'secuTrial'

annual_recruitmentReturns a data.frame showing the annual recruitment per... method for secuTrialdata objects Make the data...
assess_form_variable_completenessAsses completeness of data for each variable in a secuTrial...
build_secuTrial_urlCompose a secuTrial URL
check_export_optionsReturns deviations from suggested export options
dates_secuTrialMethods to handle date(times)s in secuTrial exports
dictionary_secuTrialData dictionary for secuTrialdata objects
diff_secuTrialReturns differences in the setup of two 'secuTrialdata'...
export_dateReturn the date and time that an export was performed
factorizeAdd factors to 'secuTrialdata' objects
form_status_countsA function to assess the status of forms
form_status_summaryA function to show summary statistics for form statuses
get_participantsRetrieves participants present in 'secuTrialdata'
labels_secuTrialGet variable labels for secuTrialdata objects
links_secuTrialShow links between forms
plot_recruitmentPlots the recruitment over time for 'secuTrialdata' objects
read_secuTrialRead secuTrial export
read_validation_overviewThis function loads a multi-page secuTrial 'Validation...
return_hidden_itemsReturns hidden items (variables) from 'secuTrialdata' objects
return_random_participantsReturns the random participants from a secuTrial export
return_scoresReturns the score (calculated) items from 'secuTrialdata'...
secuTrialdataThis function loads a secuTrial export
subset_secuTrialSubsets a 'secuTrialdata' object
visit_structureGet the visit structure of 'secuTrialdata' objects
write_secuTrialWrite secuTrial exports to other formats
secuTrialR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:16 a.m.