Man pages for seedCCA
Seeded Canonical Correlation Analysis

coef.seedCCACoefficients of ordinary and partial least squares through...
cookiecookie dataset
covplotscree-ploting cov(X, Y)
finalCCAfinalized CCA in seeded CCA
fitted.seedCCAFitted values of ordinary and partial least squares
iniCCAInitialized CCA in seeded CCA
nutrimouseNutrimouse dataset
plot.seedCCAPlotting class "seedCCA" depending on the value of 'type'
PmProjection of a seed matrix on to the column subspace of M...
print.seedCCAbasic function for printing class "seedCCA"
seedCCASeeded Canonical correlation analysis
seedingincrements of iterative projections of iterative projections with automatic stopping
seedolsOrdinary least squares
seedplsPartial least squares through iterative projections
selectuFunction that guides a selection of the terminating index...
seedCCA documentation built on June 9, 2022, 9:05 a.m.