seedwater-package: Models for Drying and Soaking Kinetics of Seeds

Description Details Note Author(s) References


Bringing together tools for modeling drying and soaking (rehydration) kinetics of seeds. This package contains several widely used predictive models (e.g.: da Silva et al., 2018). As these are nonlinear, the functions are interactive-based and easy-to-use. Least squares estimates are obtained with just a few visual adjustments of the initial parameter values.


Package: seedwater
Type: Package
Version: 2.0
Date: 2020-12-04
License: GPL (>= 2)


seedwater is an ongoing project. Any and all criticism, comments and suggestions are welcomed.


Anderson Rodrigo da Silva

Maintainer: Anderson Rodrigo da Silva <>


da Silva, A. R. et al. (2018) Modeling the Three Phases of the Soaking Kinetics of Seeds. Agronomy Journal, 110:164-170. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.07.0373

seedwater documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 6:42 p.m.