Man pages for segmented
Regression Models with Break-Points / Change-Points Estimation (with Possibly Random Effects)

aapcAverage annual per cent change in segmented trend analysis
broken.lineFitted values for segmented relationships
confint.segmentedConfidence intervals for breakpoints
confint.segmented.lmeConfidence intervals in segmented mixed models
confint.stepmentedConfidence intervals for jumpoints in stepmented regression
davies.testTesting for a change in the slope
downDown syndrome in babies
draw.historyHistory for the breakpoint estimates
fitted.segmented.lmeFitted values for segmented mixed fits
globTempAnomGlobal temperature anomalies 1850-2023
interceptIntercept estimates from segmented relationships
lines.segmentedBars for interval estimate of the breakpoints
lines.stepmentedBars for interval estimate of the breakpoints
model.matrix.segmentedDesign matrix for segmented fits
model.matrix.stepmentedDesign matrix for stepmented fits
plantPlan organ dataset
plot.segmentedPlot method for segmented objects
plot.segmented.lmePlot method for segmented mixed objects
plot.stepmentedPlot method for stepmented objects
points.segmentedPoints method for segmented objects
predict.segmentedPredict method for segmented model fits
predict.stepmentedPredict method for stepmented model fits
print.segmentedPrint method for the segmented class
print.segmented.lmePrint method for the segmented.lme class
pscore.testTesting for existence of one breakpoint
pwr.segPower Analysis in segmented regression
segSpecifying a segmented/stepmented term in the segreg/stepreg...
seg.controlAuxiliary for controlling segmented/stepmented model fitting
seg.lm.fitFitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models
segmentedSegmented relationships in regression models
segmented.lmeSegmented relationships in linear mixed models
segmented-packageSegmented Relationships in Regression Models with Breakpoints...
segregFitting segmented regression
selgmentedSelecting the number of breakpoints in segmented regression
slopeSlope estimates from segmented/stepmented relationships
stagnantStagnant band height data
step.lm.fitFitter Functions for stepmented Linear Models
stepmentedstepmented relationships in regression models
summary.segmentedSummarizing model fits for segmented regression
summary.segmented.lmeSummarizing model fits for segmented mixed-effects regression
summary.stepmentedSummarizing model fits for stepmented regression
vcov.segmentedVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Model
vcov.segmented.lmeVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Mixed Model
vcov.stepmentedVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Stepmented Model
segmented documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:10 a.m.