Man pages for selectiongain
A Tool for Calculation and Optimization of the Expected Gain from Multi-Stage Selection

multistagecorFunction for calculating correlation matrix in a plant...
multistagegainFunction for calculating the expected multi-stage selection...
multistagegain.eachFunction for calculating the selection gain in each stage
multistageoptimum.gridFunction for optimizing multi-stage selection with grid...
multistageoptimum.nlmFunction for optimizing n-stage selection with the NLM...
multistageoptimum.searchFunction for optimizing three-stage selection in plant...
multistageoptimum.searchIndexTFunction for optimizing three-stage selection in plant...
multistageoptimum.searchThreeSFunction for optimizing four-stage selection in plant...
multistagetpFunction for calculating the truncation points
multistagevarianceExpected variance after selection after k stages selection
SDselectiongainFunction for calculating the standrd deviation of selection...
selectiongain documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 5:05 p.m.