
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = FALSE

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  selection_function <- function(y)
#  {
#    # based on any input y of the same dimension as the original response
#    # a model is selected and mapped to an integer value
#    # ....
#    best_model_index <- get_best_model(list_of_models)
#    return(best_model_index)
#  }

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  res <- mocasin(mod = final_model,
#                 checkFun = check_congruency,
#                 this_y = original_response
#                 # further options
#                 )

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(selfmade)
#  library(gamm4)
#  set.seed(0)
#  dat <- gamSim(1,n=500,scale=2) ## simulate 4 term additive truth
#  dat$y <- 3 + dat$x0^2 + rnorm(n=500)
#  br <- gamm4(y~ s(x0) + s(x1), data = dat)
#  summary(br$gam) ## summary of gam
#  # do not use any selection
#  # - hence it's not necessary to define selection_function
#  #   and the checl_congruency always returns TRUE
#  checkFun <- function(yb) TRUE
#  # calculate selective inference, which, in this case,
#  # except for an approximation error, should be equivalent
#  # to the unconditional inference
#  res <- mocasin(br, this_y = dat$y,
#                 checkFun = checkFun,
#                 nrlocs = c(0.7,1),
#                 nrSamples = 1000, trace = FALSE)
#  # we get very similar results using
#"rbind", res$selinf)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(selfmade)
#  library(lme4)
#  library(lmerTest)
#  # use the ham data and use scaled information liking
#  # as response
#  ham$Informed.liking <- scale(ham$Informed.liking)
#  # We first define a function to fit a model based on response
#  # This function is usually not required but can be
#  # specified in order to define the selection_function
#  # as a function of the model instead of as a function
#  # of the response vector
#  modFun <- function(y)
#  {
#    ham$y <- y
#    lmer(y ~ Gender + Information * Product + (1 | Consumer) +
#    (1 | Product), data=ham)
#    }
#  # define the selection_function:
#  # here this is done as function of a model
#  # which, in combination with modFun, can then
#  # be used as function
#  selFun <- function(mod) step(mod, reduce.fixed = FALSE)
#  # define a function which extracts the results
#  # of the selection procedure
#  extractSelFun <- function(this_mod){
#  this_mod <- attr(this_mod, "model")
#  if(class(this_mod)=="lm")
#    return(attr(this_mod$coefficients, "names")) else
#      return(c(names(fixef(this_mod)),
#               names(getME(this_mod, "theta"))))
#  }
#  # Now we run the initial model selection on the
#  # orginal data, which is a
#  # backward elimination of non-significant effects:
#  (step_result <- selFun(modFun(ham$Informed.liking)))
#  attr(step_result, "model")
#  # Elimination tables for random- and fixed-effect terms:
#  (sel <- extractSelFun(step_result))
#  # Now we can define the function checking the congruency
#  # with the original selection
#  checkFun <- function(yb){
#   this_mod <- modFun(yb)
#   setequal( extractSelFun(selFun(this_mod)), sel )
#   }
#  # and compute valid p-values conditional on the selection
#  # (this takes some time and will produce a lot of warnings)
#  res <- mocasin(attr(step_result, "model"), this_y = ham$Informed.liking,
#            checkFun = checkFun, which = 1:4, nrSamples = 50, trace = FALSE)
#  print(res)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Run an AIC comparison between different additive models
#  # fitted with mgcv::gam
#  library(selfmade)
#  library(mgcv)
#  library(gamm4)
#  # create data and models
#  set.seed(2)
#  # use enough noise to get a diverse model selection
#  dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=10)
#  b0123 <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),data=dat)
#  b123 <- gam(y~s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),data=dat)
#  b013 <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x3),data=dat)
#  # seems that the second model seems to be the most
#  # 'appropriate' one
#  which.min(AIC(b0123, b123, b013)$AIC)
#  # and refit the model with gamm4
#  b123_gamm4 <- gamm4(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x3),data=dat)
#  # define selection_function
#  selection_function <- function(y)
#  {
#    dat$y <- y
#    list_of_models <- list(
#      gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),data=dat),
#      gam(y~s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),data=dat),
#      gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x3),data=dat)
#    )
#    # return an integer value which model is best
#    return(
#      which.min(sapply(list_of_models, AIC))
#    )
#  }
#  # define the congruency function
#  checkFun <- function(y) selection_function(y)==2
#  # compute inference
#  res <- mocasin(mod = b123_gamm4,
#                 checkFun = checkFun,
#                 nrlocs = 3, # test one position of the spline
#                 nrSamples = 10)
#  print(res)

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selfmade documentation built on April 15, 2021, 9:06 a.m.