Man pages for sentometrics
An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction

add_featuresAdd feature columns to a (sento_)corpus object
aggregate.sentimentAggregate textual sentiment across sentences, documents and...
aggregate.sento_measuresAggregate sentiment measures the sentiment measures
as.sentimentConvert a sentiment table to a sentiment object
as.sento_corpusConvert a quanteda or tm corpus object into a sento_corpus...
attributionsRetrieve top-down model sentiment attributions
compute_sentimentCompute textual sentiment across features and lexicons
corpus_summarizeSummarize the sento_corpus object
ctr_aggSet up control for aggregation into sentiment measures
ctr_modelSet up control for sentiment-based sparse regression modeling
data-defunctDatasets with defunct names
diff.sento_measuresDifferencing of sentiment measures
epuMonthly U.S. Economic Policy Uncertainty index
get_datesGet the dates of the sentiment measures/time series
get_dimensionsGet the dimensions of the sentiment measures
get_howsOptions supported to perform aggregation into sentiment...
get_loss_dataRetrieve loss data from a selection of models
list_lexiconsBuilt-in lexicons
list_valence_shiftersBuilt-in valence word lists
measures_fillAdd and fill missing dates to sentiment measures
measures_updateUpdate sentiment measures
merge.sentimentMerge sentiment objects horizontally and/or vertically
nmeasuresGet number of sentiment measures
nobs.sento_measuresGet number of observations in the sentiment measures
peakdatesExtract dates related to sentiment time series peaks
peakdocsExtract documents related to sentiment peaks
plot.attributionsPlot prediction attributions at specified level
plot.sento_measuresPlot sentiment measures
plot.sento_modelIterPlot iterative predictions versus realized values
predict.sento_modelMake predictions from a sento_model object
scale.sento_measuresScaling and centering of sentiment measures
sento_corpusCreate a sento_corpus object
sento_lexiconsSet up lexicons (and valence word list) for use in sentiment...
sento_measuresOne-way road towards a sento_measures object
sentometrics-defunctDefunct functions
sentometrics-deprecatedDeprecated functions
sentometrics-packagesentometrics: An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment...
sento_modelOptimized and automated sentiment-based sparse regression
subset.sento_measuresSubset sentiment measures
usnewsTexts (not) relevant to the U.S. economy
weights_almonCompute Almon polynomials
weights_betaCompute Beta weighting curves
weights_exponentialCompute exponential weighting curves
sentometrics documentation built on Aug. 18, 2021, 9:06 a.m.