Man pages for seqimpute
Imputation of Missing Data in Sequence Analysis

addclusterFunction that adds the clustering result to a 'seqimp' object...
fromseqimpTransform an object of class 'seqimp' into a dataframe or a...
gameaddExample data set: Game addiction
plot.seqimpPlot a 'seqimp' object
print.seqimpPrint a 'seqimp' object
seqaddNAGeneration of missing on longitudinal categorical data.
seqcompleteExtract all the trajectories without missing value.
seqimputeseqimpute: Imputation of missing data in longitudinal...
seqmissfplotPlot the most common patterns of missing data.
seqmissimplicIdentification and visualization of states that best...
seqmissIplotPlot all the patterns of missing data.
seqQuickLookSummary of the types of gaps among a dataset
seqTransSpotting impossible transitions in longitudinal categorical...
seqwithmissExtract all the trajectories with at least one missing value
summary.seqimpSummary of a 'seqimp' object
seqimpute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m.