gameadd: Example data set: Game addiction

gameaddR Documentation

Example data set: Game addiction


Dataset containing variables on the gaming addiction of young people. The data consists of gaming addiction, coded as either 'no' or 'yes', measured over four consecutive years for 500 individuals, three covariates and one time-dependent covariate. The yearly states are recorded in columns 1 (T1_abuse) to 4 (T4_abuse).

The three covariates are

  • Gender (female or male),

  • Age (measured at time 1),

  • Track (school or apprenticeship).

The time-varying covariate consists of the individual's relationship to gambling at each of the four time points, appearing in columns T1_gambling, T2_gambling, T3_gambling, and T4_gambling. The states are either no, gambler or problematic gambler




A data frame containing 500 rows, 4 states variable, 3 covariates and a time-dependent covariate.

seqimpute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m.

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