Man pages for sglg
Fitting Semi-Parametric Generalized log-Gamma Regression Models

bootglgBootstrap inference for a generalized log-gamma regression
deBoor2Build the basis matrix and the penalty matrix of cubic...
deviance_residualsDeviance Residuals for a Generalized Log-gamma Regression...
dglgDensity distribution function for a generalized log-gamma...
entropyTool to calculate the entropy for a generalized log-gamma...
glgFitting multiple linear Generalized Log-gamma Regression...
GuTool to build the basis matrix and the penalty matrix of...
logLik.sglgExtract Log-Likehood
lssMeasures of location, scale and shape measures for a...
order_glgRandom Sampling of K-th Order Statistics from a Generalized...
pglgCumulative distribution function for a generalized log-gamma...
plotnpcPlotting a natural cubic splines or P-splines.
plotsurv.sglgPlot simultaneously the Kaplan-Meier and parametric...
qglgQuantile function for a generalized log-gamma distribution
quantile_residualsQuantile Residuals for a Generalized Log-gamma Regression...
residuals.sglgExtract Model Residuals
rglgRandom number generation for a generalized log-gamma...
sglgFitting semi-parametric generalized log-gamma regression...
ssurvglgFitting semi-parametric generalized log-gamma regression...
survglgFitting linear generalized log-gamma regression models under...
survival_ggSurvival, Hazard, and Cumulative Hazard functions for a...
sglg documentation built on Sept. 4, 2022, 9:05 a.m.