Man pages for shapviz
SHAP Visualizations

collapse_shapCollapse SHAP values
c.shapvizConcatenates "shapviz" Objects
dimnames-set-.shapvizDimnames (Replacement Method) of "shapviz" Object
dimnames.shapvizDimnames of "shapviz" Object
dim.shapvizDimensions of "shapviz" Object
extractorsExtractor Functions
format_maxNumber Formatter
is.mshapvizCheck for mshapviz
is.shapvizCheck for shapviz
miamiMiami-Dade County House Prices
mshapvizCombines compatible "shapviz" Objects
plus-.shapvizRowbinds two "shapviz" Objects
potential_interactionsInteraction Strength
print.mshapvizPrints "mshapviz" Object
print.shapvizPrints "shapviz" Object
rbind.shapvizRowbinds Multiple "shapviz" or "mshapviz" Objects
shapvizInitialize "shapviz" Object
shapviz-packageshapviz: SHAP Visualizations
split.shapvizSplits "shapviz" Object
sub-.shapvizSubsets "shapviz" Object
summary.shapvizSummarizes "shapviz" Object
sv_dependenceSHAP Dependence Plot
sv_dependence2D2D SHAP Dependence Plot
sv_forceSHAP Force Plot
sv_importanceSHAP Importance Plots
sv_interactionSHAP Interaction Plot
sv_waterfallSHAP Waterfall Plot
shapviz documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2 a.m.