Man pages for shidashi
A Shiny Dashboard Template System

accordionGenerates an 'accordion' tab-set
accordion_item'Accordion' items
add-remove-html-classAdd or remove 'HTML' class from 'RAVE' application
adminlteGenerates 'AdminLTE' theme-related 'HTML' tags
as_badgeGenerates badge icons
as_iconConvert characters, shiny icons into 'fontawesome' 4
back_top_button'HTML' code to generate small back-to-top button
cardCard-like 'HTML' element
card_tabsetGenerates a set of card panels
card_tabset_operateAdd, active, or remove a card within 'card_tabset'
card_toolGenerates small icon widgets
clipboardOutputGenerates outputs that can be written to clipboards with one...
flex_containerGenerate 'HTML' tags with 'flex' layout
flip_boxAn 'HTML' container that can flip
format_text_rGet re-formatted 'R' expressions in characters
get_construct_stringGet 'R' expression used to generate the 'HTML' tags
guess_body_classGuess the 'AdminLTE' body class for modules, used internally
include_viewTemplate function to include 'snippets' in the view folder
info_boxGenerates 'HTML' info box
javascript-tunnelThe 'JavaScript' tunnel
module_infoObtain the module information
notificationThe 'Bootstrap' notification
progressOutputProgress bar in shiny dashboard
register_global_reactiveValuesRegister global reactive list
renderRender a 'shidashi' project
reset_outputReset shiny outputs with messages
shiny_progressWrapper of shiny progress that can run without shiny
show_ui_codeUsed by demo project to show the generating code
template_settingsConfigure template options that are shared across the...
use_templateDownload 'shidashi' templates from 'Github'
shidashi documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9:09 a.m.