Man pages for shiny.router
Basic Routing for Shiny Web Applications

attach_attribsAttach 'router-hidden' class to single page UI content
callback_mappingCreate a mapping between a UI element and a server callback.
change_pageChange the currently displayed page.
cleanup_hashpathFormats a URL fragment into a hash path starting with "#!/"
create_router_callbackInternal function creating a router callback function. One...
disable_bootstrap_on_bookmarkFix conflicts when some bookmark uses bootstrap
dot-onAttachOn Load
extract_link_nameExtract link name
get_pageConvenience function to retrieve just the "page" part of the...
get_query_paramGet Query Parameters
get_url_hashInternal function to get url hash with #!.
grapes-colon-colon-colon-grapes::: hack solution
is_pageIs page
log_msgHelper function to print out log messages into Shiny using...
make_router[Deprecated] Creates router.
page404404 page
PAGE_404_ROUTEDefault 404 page
parse_url_pathParse url and build GET parameters list
routeCreate single route configuration.
route_linkRoute link
router_serverCreate router pages server callback
router_server_internalCreate router pages server callback
router_uiCreate router UI
router_ui_internalCreates router UI
valid_pathInternal function that validates that path is defined in...
shiny.router documentation built on April 18, 2023, 9:08 a.m.