Buttons: Buttons

ButtonsR Documentation



Twitter Bootstrap gives many options for styling buttons that aren't made available by standard Shiny. Use shinyBS to create buttons of different sizes, shapes, and colors.


Create a button in the UI with bsButton. If type = "action" the button will behave like the standard actionButton in shiny. If type = "toggle" the button will behave like a checkboxInput with an on and off state. It will return TRUE or FALSE to the Server depending on its state.

You can update the style and state of a bsButton from the Server logic with updateButton. For example, a button could be set to disabled = TRUE until the user has made some other selections, then once those selections have been made, an observer on the Server could use updateButton to enable the button allowing the user to proceed. Alternatively, you could set the button to style = "success" to let them know that the button is ready to be clicked.


There are two functions in the Buttons family:


Used in the UI to create a button. Buttons can be of the type action or toggle.


Used in the Server logic to modify the state of a button created with bsButton


bsActionButton and bsToggleButton were replaced with just bsButton with a type argument.

icon was added to allow placing an icon in the button.


Run bsExample("Buttons") for an example of Buttons functionality.

See Also

Twitter Bootstrap 3

Other Buttons: bsButton; updateButton


app = shinyApp(
 ui =
                     "Move the slider to see its effect on the button below:",
                     min = 1,
                     max = 50,
                     value = 1),
         bsButton("actTwo", label = "Click me if you dare!", icon = icon("ban")),
         tags$p("Clicking the first button below changes the disabled state of the second button."),
         bsButton("togOne", label = "Toggle button disabled status",
                  block = TRUE, type = "toggle", value = TRUE),
         bsButton("actOne", label = "Block Action Button", block = TRUE)

 server =
   function(input, output, session) {
     observeEvent(input$togOne, ({
       updateButton(session, "actOne", disabled = !input$togOne)
     observeEvent(input$bins, ({

       b <- input$bins
       disabled = NULL
       style = "default"
       icon = ""

       if(b < 5) {
         disabled = TRUE
         icon <- icon("ban")
       } else {
         disabled = FALSE

       if(b < 15 | b > 35) {
         style = "danger"
       } else if(b < 20 | b > 30) {
         style = "warning"
       } else {
         style = "default"
         icon = icon("check")

       updateButton(session, "actTwo", disabled = disabled, style = style, icon = icon)


     output$exampleText <- renderText({
       b <- isolate(input$bins)
       txt = ""
       if((b > 5 & b < 15) | b > 35) {
         txt = "That was dangerous."
       } else if((b > 5 & b < 20) | b > 30) {
         txt = "I warned you about that."
       } else if(b >= 20 &  b <= 30) {
         txt = "You have chosen... wisely."
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

shinyBS documentation built on April 18, 2022, 1:06 a.m.

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