
Defines functions contents_link subcontents_links

Documented in contents_link subcontents_links

#' Subcontents links function
#' This function is used internally within contents_link to create links to headings within pages.
#' @param subcontents_text_list vector of link text for subcontents
#' @param subcontents_id_list vector of link ids for subcontents. pass NAs for automatic matching to id in shinygovstyle::heading_text
#' @return a ol html shiny object
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
#'     shinyGovstyle::header(
#'       main_text = "Example",
#'       secondary_text = "User Examples",
#'       logo = "shinyGovstyle/images/moj_logo.png"
#'     ),
#'     shiny::column(
#'       width = 3,
#'       id = "nav",
#'       shiny::tags$div(
#'         shiny::tags$h2("Contents"),
#'         subcontents_links(
#'           c("radio_button_Input (inline)", "button_Input"),
#'           c(NA, NA)
#'         ),
#'         subcontents_links(
#'           c("date_Input", "button_Input"),
#'           c(NA, "button_input_text_types")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   }
#'   shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }
subcontents_links <- function(subcontents_text_list,
                              subcontents_id_list) {
  if (!missing(subcontents_id_list)) {
    # check if custom link_id_list is of equal length to links list
    if (length(subcontents_text_list) != length(subcontents_id_list)) {
        "`subcontents_id_list` must be equal length to `subcontents_text_list`"

  # create sidelink
  create_sidelink <- function(link_text, link_id) {
    # match id created in shinygovstyle::heading_text if custom id not specifcied
    if (is.na(link_id)) {
      link_id <- clean_heading_text(link_text)

      "\u2014 ",
      shiny::tags$a(class = "govuk-link--no-visited-state", link_text, href = stringr::str_c("\u0023", link_id))

  # create <li></li> tags
  list_tags <- purrr::map2(subcontents_text_list, subcontents_id_list, create_sidelink)

  # return <ol> output
  shiny::tags$ol(class = "govuk-subcontents", list_tags)

#' Contents link function
#' This function creates an action link to nav between tabs and optionally link to subcontents headers.
#' @param link_text vector of link text for contents
#' @param input_id contents button id
#' @param subcontents_text_list vector of link text for subcontents
#' @param subcontents_id_list vector of link ids for subcontents. if missing automatically matches to id in shinygovstyle::heading_text
#' @return an action button html shiny object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'      ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
#'      title="ShinyGovstyle",
#'        cookieBanner("Run Example"),
#'        header("MOJ", "ShinyGovstyle Example",
#'               logo="shinyGovstyle/images/moj_logo-1.png", logo_width = 66),
#'        banner(
#'          "banner",
#'          "Beta",
#'          'This is a new service \u002D your <a class="govuk-link" href="#">
#'              feedback</a> will help us to improve it.'),
#'        #Need this to make the error and word count work
#'        shinyjs::useShinyjs(),
#'        #Add a message to show users how to see this code
#'        shiny::tags$br(),
#'        shiny::markdown(
#'          "Run ```View(run_example)``` in console to see the code for this app"),
#'        gov_row(
#'          # Nav columns
#'          shiny::column(
#'            width = 3,
#'            id = "nav", # DO NOT REMOVE ID
#'            # Contents box
#'            shiny::tags$div(
#'              id = "govuk-contents-box", #DO NOT REMOVE ID
#'              class = "govuk-contents-box",  #DO NOT REMOVE CLASS
#'              shiny::tags$h2("Contents"),
#'              # Text types tab
#'              contents_link(
#'                "Text Types",
#'                "text_types_button",
#'                subcontents_text_list = c("date_Input",
#'                "text_Input",
#'                "text_area_Input",
#'                "button_Input"),
#'                subcontents_id_list = c(NA, NA, NA, "button_input_text_types")
#'              ),
#'              # Tables tabs and accordions tab
#'              contents_link(
#'                "Tables, tabs and accordions",
#'                "tables_tabs_and_accordions_button",
#'                subcontents_text_list = c("govTable", "govTabs", "accordions", "button_Input"),
#'                subcontents_id_list = c(NA, NA, NA, "button_input_tables_tabs_accordions")
#'              ),
#'              contents_link(
#'                "Cookies",
#'                "cookies_button"),
#'            )
#'          ),
#'          shiny::column( width = 9,
#'                         id = "main_col", # DO NOT REMOVE ID
#'                         #Set up a nav panel so everything not on single page
#'                         shiny::tabsetPanel(
#'                           type = "hidden",
#'                           id = "tab-container", # DO NOT REMOVE ID
#'                           shiny::tabPanel(
#'                             "Text Types",
#'                             value = "text_types",
#'                             gov_layout(
#'                               size = "two-thirds",
#'                               backlink_Input("back1"),
#'                               heading_text("Page 2", size = "l"),
#'                               label_hint("label2", "These are some examples of the types of user
#'                         text inputs that you can use"),
#'                               heading_text("date_Input", size = "s"),
#'                               date_Input(
#'                                 inputId = "date1",
#'                                 label = "What is your date of birth?",
#'                                 hint_label = "For example, 31 3 1980"),
#'                               heading_text("text_Input", size = "s"),
#'                               text_Input(inputId = "txt1", label = "Event name"),
#'                               heading_text("text_area_Input", size = "s"),
#'                               text_area_Input(
#'                                 inputId = "text_area1",
#'                                 label = "Can you provide more detail?",
#'                                 hint_label = "Do not include personal or financial information,
#'                like your National Insurance number or credit card details."),
#'                               text_area_Input(
#'                                 inputId = "text_area2",
#'                                 label = "How are you today?",
#'                                 hint_label = "Leave blank to trigger error",
#'                                 error = T,
#'                                 error_message = "Please do not leave blank",
#'                                 word_limit = 300),
#'                               heading_text(
#'                               "button_Input", size = "s",
#'                               id = "button_input_text_types"),
#'                               button_Input("btn2", "Go to next page"),
#'                               button_Input("btn3", "Check for errors", type = "warning")
#'                             )
#'                           ),
#'                           shiny::tabPanel(
#'                             "Tables, tabs and accordions",
#'                             value = "tables_tabs_and_accordions",
#'                             gov_layout(
#'                             size = "two-thirds",
#'                               backlink_Input("back2"),
#'                               heading_text("Page 3", size = "l"),
#'                               label_hint("label3", "These are some examples of using tabs and
#'                             tables"),
#'                               heading_text("govTable", size = "s"),
#'                               heading_text("govTabs", size = "s"),
#'                               heading_text("accordions", size = "s"),
#'                               shinyGovstyle::  accordion(
#'                                 "acc1",
#'                                 c("Writing well for the web",
#'                                   "Writing well for specialists",
#'                                   "Know your audience",
#'                                   "How people read"
#'                                 ),
#'                                 c("This is the content for Writing well for the web.",
#'                                   "This is the content for Writing well for specialists.",
#'                                   "This is the content for Know your audience.",
#'                                   "This is the content for How people read."
#'                                 )),
#'                               heading_text(
#'                               "button_Input", size = "s",
#'                                id = "button_input_tables_tabs_accordions"),
#'                               button_Input("btn4", "Go to next page"),
#'                             )
#'                           ),
#'                           #####################Create cookie panel################################
#'                           shiny::tabPanel(
#'                             "Cookies",
#'                             value = "panel-cookies",
#'                             gov_layout(
#'                               size = "two-thirds",
#'                               heading_text("Cookie page", size = "l"),
#'                               label_hint("label-cookies", "This an example cookie page that could be
#'                             expanded")
#'                             )
#'                           )))
#'        ), #end of gov row
#'        footer(TRUE)
#'      ) #end of fluid page
#'      server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'        # Tab nav
#'        shiny::observeEvent(input$back2, {
#'          shiny::updateTabsetPanel(session, "tab-container", selected = "text_types")
#'        })
#'        shiny::observeEvent(input$tables_tabs_and_accordions_button, {
#'          shiny::updateTabsetPanel(session, "tab-container", selected = "tables_tabs_and_accordions")
#'        })
#'        shiny::observeEvent(input$cookies_button, {
#'          shiny::updateTabsetPanel(session, "tab-container", selected = "panel-cookies")
#'        })
#'      }
#'   shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }
contents_link <- function(link_text,
                           subcontents_id_list) {
  if (missing(subcontents_id_list) & !missing(subcontents_text_list)) {
    subcontents_id_list <- rep(NA, length(subcontents_text_list))

  contents_div <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "govuk-contents",
      class = "govuk-contents__link govuk-link--no-visited-state",
      inputId = input_id,
      label = link_text

    # add subcontents links if required
    if (!missing(subcontents_text_list)) {
      subcontents_links(subcontents_text_list, subcontents_id_list)

  attachDependency(contents_div, "contents_link")

Try the shinyGovstyle package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyGovstyle documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 5:07 p.m.