Busy indicator for shiny apps

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

{shinybusy} allow to add global indicators to a {shiny} application to show the user that application is busy (something is happening server-side). There is three main type of indicators :

Automatic indicators

The indicator will be displayed each time a calculation take more than the timeout defined (default to 1000ms), you don't have to intervene in the server.

Three indicators are available :

# Add in UI
add_busy_spinner(spin = "fading-circle")
knitr::include_graphics(path = "figures/add_busy_spinner.png")
add_busy_bar(color = "red", height = "8px")
knitr::include_graphics(path = "figures/add_busy_bar.png")
# Add in UI
  src = "https://jeroen.github.io/images/banana.gif",
  height = 70, width = 70
knitr::include_graphics(path = "figures/add_busy_gif.png")

Manual indicators

The same types of indicators are available than for automatic indicators, but this time functions starts with use_* and you have to explicitly trigger the indicator server-side.

# in UI
use_busy_spinner(spin = "fading-circle")

# in server
show_spinner() # show the spinner
hide_spinner() # hide the spinner
# in UI
use_busy_bar(color = "#01DF01", height = "15px")

# in server
update_busy_bar(0) # update with the desire value [0-100], 100 hide the bar
# in UI
  src = "https://jeroen.github.io/images/banana.gif",
  height = 70, width = 70

# in server
play_gif() # play animation
stop_gif() # stop animation

Modal indicators

Display an indicator (a spinner or a progress bar) in a modal window, this prevent user to interact with the app and launch other calculation when something is already happening in the server. Those functions are only used server-side.

# in server
show_modal_spinner() # show the modal window
remove_modal_spinner() # remove it when done
knitr::include_graphics(path = "figures/modal_spinner.png")
# in server
show_modal_progress_line() # show the modal window
update_modal_progress(0.2) # update progress bar value
remove_modal_progress() # remove it when done
knitr::include_graphics(path = "figures/modal_progress.png")

Don't forget to remove the modal window when computation is finished !


Show notifications and reports to user through JavaScript library Notiflix. Four appearance are available: success, failure, info and warning. Notifications are fully configurable.

# success notification
notify_success("Well done!")

# report failure
  "Something went wrong"

Try the shinybusy package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinybusy documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:38 a.m.