Man pages for shinyjqui
'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny

Animation_effectsAnimation effects.
Class_effectsClass effects.
draggableModalDialogCreate a draggable modal dialog UI
get_jqui_effectsGet available animation effects.
InteractionsMouse interactions
jqui_bookmarkingEnable bookmarking state of mouse interactions
jqui_iconCreate a jQuery UI icon
jqui_positionPosition an element relative to another
orderInputCreate a shiny input control to show the order of a set of...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
selectableTableOutputCreate a table output element with selectable rows or cells
shinyjqui-packageshinyjqui: 'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny
sortableCheckboxGroupInputCreate a Checkbox Group Input Control with Sortable Choices
sortableRadioButtonsCreate radio buttons with sortable choices
sortableTableOutputCreate a table output element with sortable rows
sortableTabsetPanelCreate a tabset panel with sortable tabs
updateOrderInputChange the value of an orderInput on the client
shinyjqui documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 9:06 a.m.