Man pages for shinymgr
A Framework for Building, Managing, and Stitching 'shiny' Modules into Reproducible Workflows

appReportsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appReports"
appsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "apps"
appStitchingSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appStitching"
appTabsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appTabs"
check_mod_infoCompares mod header information to the database
delete_appDeletes an app from the database
delete_modDeletes a module from the database
delete_reportDeletes a report from the database
launch_shinymgrLaunch the master app for shinymgr
modFunctionArgumentsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table,...
modFunctionReturnsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table,...
mod_header_parserParse the header of module modules to add to the database
mod_initCreates an R script that contains a framework for developing...
modPackagesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modPackages"
mod_registerRegister (inserts) a new module into the shinymgr project
modulesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modules"
qry_app_flowRetrieve structure of an app module
qry_app_stitchingRetrieve structure of an app module
qry_insertInsert a row into a table from the shinymgr.sqlite database
qry_mod_infoRetrieve general information about a module
qry_rowRetrieve one or more rows from a specified table from the...
reportsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "reports"
rerun_analysisRe-run an previously executed shinymgr analysis
restore_analysisRe-store a previously executed shinymgr analysis by...
shiny_db_createCreate an empty *shinymgr* SQLite database, and populate with...
shiny_db_populatePopulates an empty shinymgr.sqlite database with demo data
shinymgrA unifying framework for managing and deploying module-based...
shinymgr_setupSets up a new *shinymanager* directory structure and database
tabModulesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "tabModules"
tabsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "tabs"
shinymgr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:17 a.m.