shinymgr_setup: Sets up a new *shinymanager* directory structure and database

View source: R/shinymgr_setup.R

shinymgr_setupR Documentation

Sets up a new *shinymanager* directory structure and database


Create a new *shinymgr* directory structure, database, and master app. If demo == TRUE, the database includes sample data and sample modules are also provided.


shinymgr_setup(parentPath, demo = FALSE)



Path to the parent directory that will house the *shinymgr* file system. A folder called "shinymgr" will be created under this parent directory. If desired, create an RStudio project associated with the "shinymgr" folder, enabling use of the renv package.


TRUE or FALSE. Should the demo modules and demo database be included?


shinymgr_setup is the primary function to use when starting your own *shinymgr* project. The function's has two arguments: parentPath is the path to a folder that will house the *shinymgr* project (a directory called "shinymgr"). The function will create the main directory, plus 9 sub directories ("analyses", "data", "database", "tests", "modules", "modules_app", modules_mgr","reports", "www"). Directory definitions are provided below. If demo = TRUE, these directories will be populated with sample modules and a sample database that can be used to explore the package's functionality. Once you understand the general *shinymgr* framework, you can create as many *shinymgr* projects as you wish by setting demo = FALSE.

The parentPath argument points to a directory that will house the main *shinymgr* directory, plus 9 subdirectories, along with the main *shinymgr* master app.R (or server.R and ui.R) shiny scripts.

Directories of *shinymgr* include:

analyses = stores previously run "app" results as RDS file. data - holds datasets (RData, csv) that are used by "apps". database - holds the shinymgr sqlite database, named "shinymgr.sqlite". modules - holds stand-alone modules that are combined into shinymgr "apps". modules_mgr - holds modules that are used in the shinymgr main app framework. modules_app - stores app modules; i.e., a series of modules that are linked into a tabbed workflow. reports - holds Rmd files that call in previously run analyses to produce an Rmarkdown report. tests - holds unit testing of modules to ensure everything works. www - stores all images and css files that are rendered in shiny.


Returns a file structure, database, and master app called app.R

More Info

The shinymgr_setup() function is described in the "shinymgr" tutorial.


The shinymgr learnr tutorials include, in order:

  1. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "intro", package = "shinymgr")

  2. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "shiny", package = "shinymgr")

  3. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "modules", package = "shinymgr")

  4. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "app_modules", package = "shinymgr")

  5. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "tests", package = "shinymgr")

  6. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "shinymgr", package = "shinymgr")

  7. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "database", package = "shinymgr")

  8. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "shinymgr_modules", package = "shinymgr")

  9. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "apps", package = "shinymgr")

  10. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "analyses", package = "shinymgr")

  11. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "reports", package = "shinymgr")

  12. learnr::run_tutorial(name = "deployment", package = "shinymgr")


See Also



# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up an shinymgr framework in a parent directory 
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# set the directory path that will house the shinymgr project
parentPath <- tempdir()
shinyMgrPath <- paste0(parentPath, '/shinymgr')

# set up raw directories and fresh database
shinymgr_setup(parentPath, demo = FALSE)

# verify that the folder structure exists in your specified directory
  path = shinyMgrPath, 
  full.names = FALSE, 
  recursive = TRUE)

# look at the files 
  path = shinyMgrPath, 
  full.names = FALSE, 
  recursive = TRUE)
# Remove demo database
unlink(shinyMgrPath, recursive = TRUE)

shinymgr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:17 a.m.