Man pages for simplegraphdb
A Simple Graph Database

add_nodeGenerates the SQL to add a node to the database
atomicAn atomic transaction wrapper function
connect_nodesAdd an edge to the database
find_inbound_neighborsGenerates the SQL to find the inbound neighbors for a node in...
find_neighborsGenerates the SQL to find the neighbors for a node in the...
find_nodeGenerates the SQL to find a node from the database
find_nodesGenerate SQL to find nodes matching a criteria
find_outbound_neighborsGenerates the SQL to find the outbound neighbors for a node...
get_connectionsGenerates the SQL to find the connections for a node in the...
initializeInitialize a new graph database
remove_nodeGenerates the SQL to remove a node from the database
set_idSets the id attribute in JSON data
traverseFinds the path as you traverse the graph
upsert_nodeGenerates the SQL to upsert a node in the database
visualizeGenerates dot files for visualization of the graph
simplegraphdb documentation built on March 12, 2021, 5:05 p.m.