Man pages for sisal
Sequential Input Selection Algorithm

bootMSEBootstrap Estimate of Mean Squared Error Using SISAL Object
dynTextGrobCreate Text with Changing Size
laggedDataCreate Input Matrix and Output Vector for Time Series...
plotSelected.sisalPlotting Sets of Inputs Produced by Sequential Input...
plot.sisalPlotting Sequential Input Selection Results
print.sisalPrinting Sequential Input Selection Objects
sisalSequential Input Selection Algorithm (SISAL)
sisalDataDownload External Datasets for SISAL
sisal-packagesisal: Sequential input selection algorithm
sisalTableDraw Table with Equally Sized Cells
summary.sisalSummarizing Sequential Input Selection Results
testSisalTesting the Sequential Input Selection Algorithm
toy.learnToy Data for SISAL (Learning Set)
toy.testToy Data for SISAL (Test Set)
tsToy.learnToy Time Series Data for SISAL (Learning Set)
tsToy.testToy Time Series Data for SISAL (Test Set)
sisal documentation built on Feb. 16, 2020, 1:07 a.m.