Man pages for sketch
Interactive Sketches

annotate_exprsParse and annotate expressions
assetsProcess assets in headers
basic_deparsersA minimal list of deparsers for deparsing JavaScript
bundleBundle a list of files into a single JavaScript file
combine_rulesCombine rules for fast transpilation
compile_activeCompile active file in 'RStudio'
compile_dataCompile a data file into a JavaScript file
compile_exprsCompile R code into JavaScript code
compile_rCompile an R file into a JavaScript file
convert_srcConvert an asset link into a 'shiny.tag' object
default_2_deparsersA list of deparsers with additional features
default_deparsersA list of default deparsers for deparsing JavaScript
default_processorsA list of handlers for processing the '#!'/'#|' header
deparse_jsExpression deparsing for JavaScript
deparse_js_astDeparse a compiled AST
deparsers_componentDeparsers (specialised)
dpConstructor function to combine low-level deparsers
empty-functionsEmpty functions
eng_sketchA language engine for 'sketch'
flatten_filelistFlatten a list of files and directories into a list of files
get_dependenciesExtract the content of the 'load_script' headers of a sketch...
header-functionsHeader functions
html_tagsHTML templates
insert_sketchInsert a 'sketch' app into an R Markdown document
is_callPredicate for calls
is_syntactic_literalPredicate for syntactic literal
license_infoLicense information
list-of-deparsersLow-level lists of deparsers
localA helper function to enable debugger option
make_deparserA constructor for a "typed" deparser
make_processorMake a handle to process header
make_ruleMake a AST transformation rule
parse_exprParse R code
predicate_componentPredicate for symbols, i.e. symbols or syntactic literals
print.sketch_rulePrint function for 'sketch_rule' objects
read_multilinesRead one or more lines from the console for the first...
rewriteInterface for AST rewriting
r-to-js-rulesMapping R operators into JavaScript operators
runShinyAppRun 'Shiny' Application
safeguardPerform pre-transpilation check
sketch-packageInteractive visualisation
source_activeSource active file in 'RStudio'
source_jsServe a compiled 'sketch' JavaScript file
source_mapConvert a compiled AST into a source map
source_map_from_filesCreate a source map (.map) file
source_map_tableDisplay the source map in a table
source_rSource a 'sketch' R file
split_rulesSplit rules for customisation
srcGet the source link of a JavaScript library
test_sketchTest a sketch application
to_jsonConvert a file into a JavaScript expression
to_shiny_tagLoad JavaScript / CSS / 'sketch' R / CSV file
verify_source_mapVerify a source map
websocketWebsocket for 'sketch' applications
sketch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:18 a.m.