
#--------------------------------- skm::data.r --------------------------------#
#------------------------- author: gyang274@gmail.com -------------------------#


#------------------------------------ data ------------------------------------#
#' zip2012
#' @description
#'  a zip code database with latitude, longitude, population and income.
#' @format
#'  A data table with 28844 rows and 9 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{zip}{zip code, 5 digits zip code in U.S.}
#'   \item{lat}{latitude}
#'   \item{lng}{longitude}
#'   \item{pop}{population}
#'   \item{ink}{income}
#'   \item{city}{city}
#'   \item{state}{state}
#'   \item{p_pop}{percentage of population w.r.t total population}
#'   \item{p_ink}{percentage of income w.r.t total income}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://federalgovernmentzipcodes.us/}

#' source_zip_list
#' @description
#'  a list of zip code used in skm package demonstration.
#' @format
#'  a character vector of length 51 includes one 5 digits zip code selected from
#'  each state, where the most central zip code in each state selected.

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skm documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:10 p.m.