Man pages for sm
Smoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation

aircraftThese data record six characteristics of aircraft designs...
airpcThese data list the first two principal component scores from...
binningConstruct frequency table from raw data in 1, 2 or 3...
birthLow birthweight in babies
bissellFlaws in cloth
bonionsYield-density relationship for Brown Imperial Spanish onions
britptsCoastline of the UK and Ireland
citrateThe relationship between plasma citrate and carbohydrate...
coalashCoal ash in mining samples
dogsCoronary sinus potassium in dogs
follicleOvarian follicle counts
geys3dDuration and the time between eruptions for the Old Faithful...
geyserOld Faithful Geyser Data
hcvCross-validatory choice of smoothing parameter
hnormNormal optimal choice of smoothing parameter in density...
h.selectSelection of the smoothing parameter
hsjSheather-Jones choice of smoothing parameter for density...
lcancerSpatial positions of cases of laryngeal cancer
mackerelThe abundance of mackerel eggs
magremMagnetic remanence
mildewMildew control
mossesHeavy metals in mosses in Galicia.
muscleRat skeletal muscles
nileWater level of the River Nile
niseIntegrated squared error between a density estimate and a...
nmisemean integrated squared error for density estimation with...
nnbrnearest neighbour distances from data in one or two...
pausePause before continuing execution
polesPositions of the south pole
provide.dataMaking data available as data.frame
radiocRadiocarbon in Irish oak
sig.traceA significance trace for a hypothesis test
smThe sm package: summary information
smackerMackerel data from a Spanish survey
sm.ancovaNonparametric analysis of covariance
sm.autoregressionNonparametric estimation of the autoregression function
sm.binomialNonparametric logistic regression
sm.binomial.bootstrapBootstrap goodness-of-fit test for a logistic regression...
sm.densityNonparametric density estimation in one, two or three...
sm.density.compareComparison of univariate density estimates
sm.discontinuityThe detection of discontinuities in a regression curve or...
sm-internalInternal sm functions
sm.monotonicityA test of monotonicity in a regression curve.
sm.optionsSet or return options of sm library
sm.pcaSmooth principal components analysis
sm.poissonNonparametric Poisson regression
sm.poisson.bootstrapBootstrap goodness-of-fit test for a Poisson regression model
sm.regressionNonparametric regression with one or two covariates.
sm.regression.autocorNonparametric regression with autocorrelated errors
sm.rmNonparametric analysis of repeated measurements data
sm.scriptRunning a script associated to the sm library
sm.sigmaEstimation of the error standard deviation in nonparametric...
sm.sigma2.compareComparison across two groups of the error standard deviation...
sm.sphereNonparametric density estimation for spherical data.
sm.surface3dAdding a regression surface to an rgl plot.
sm.survivalNonparametric regression with survival data.
sm.ts.pdfNonparametric density estimation of stationary time series...
sm.variogramConfidence intervals and tests based on smoothing an...
stanfordSurvival times from the Stanford Heart Transplant Study
tephraTephra layer
trawlTrawl data from the Great Barrier Reef
troutPotassium cyanate and trout eggs
wonionsYield-density relationship for White Imperial Spanish onion...
wormHuman parasitic worm infections
sm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:28 a.m.