Man pages for smfsb
Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology

abcRunRun a set of simulations initialised with parameters sampled...
abcSmcRun an ABC-SMC algorithm for infering the parameters of a...
astimedDataConvert a time series object to a timed data matrix
discretiseDiscretise output from a discrete event simulation algorithm
gillespieSimulate a sample path from a stochastic kinetic model...
gillespiedSimulate a sample path from a stochastic kinetic model...
imdeathSimulate a sample path from the homogeneous immigration-death...
LVdataExample simulated time courses from a stochastic...
mcmcSummarySummarise and plot tabular MCMC output
metropRun a simple Metropolis sampler with standard normal target...
metropolisHastingsRun a Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for the parameters...
mytableSimple example data frame
normgibbsA simple Gibbs sampler for Bayesian inference for the mean...
pfMLLikCreate a function for computing the log of an unbiased...
pfMLLik1Create a function for computing the log of an unbiased...
rcfmcSimulate a continuous time finite state space Markov chain
rdiffSimulate a sample path from a univariate diffusion process
rfmcSimulate a finite state space Markov chain
simpleEulerSimulate a sample path from an ODE model
simSampleSimulate a many realisations of a model at a given fixed time...
simTimesSimulate a model at a specified set of times, using a...
simTsSimulate a model on a regular grid of times, using a function...
simTs1DSimulate a model on a regular grid of times, using a function...
simTs2DSimulate a model on a regular grid of times, using a function...
smfsb-packageStochastic Modelling for Systems Biology
spnModelsExample SPN models
StepCLECreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepCLE1DCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepCLE2DCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepEulerCreate a function for advancing the state of an ODE model by...
StepEulerSPNCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepFRMCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepGillespieCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepGillespie1DCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepGillespie2DCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
stepLVcA function for advancing the state of a Lotka-Volterra model...
StepODECreate a function for advancing the state of an ODE model by...
StepPTSCreate a function for advancing the state of an SPN by using...
StepSDECreate a function for advancing the state of an SDE model by...
smfsb documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:13 a.m.