network: Specify Network Smoother in Formulae

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)

View source: R/network.R


This function specifies all of the information required to smooth parameters over the segments of a stream network using an adjacency matrix, and a vector of flow weights.


network(adjacency = NULL, weight = "autoShreve", fixed.df = NULL)



A sparse adjacency matrix of class spam that describes the flow connectedness of the stream network. adjacency is typically obtained from a call to get_adjacency


A character string indicating the column name of a numeric vector of flow weights contained in the data.object that has been passed to smnet. Defaults to "autoShreve" which automatically constructs a weighting based on Shreve order, useful if data does not include an appropriate weight. For more information on choosing appropriate weight inputs from a given data set, see show_weights.


Positive scalar indicating a fixed number of degrees of freedom to allocate to the stream network component, overriding the criterion minimisation for this component. Under the default setting, NULL, the degrees of freedom are chosen automatically.


A list combining the processed input components above. For internal use within smnet.


Alastair Rushworth

smnet documentation built on Nov. 9, 2020, 9:06 a.m.

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