Man pages for smog
Structural Modeling by using Overlapped Group Penalty

cv.cglassocross-validation for conditional group lasso method
cv.smogCross-valiation for smog
glogGeneralized linear model constraint on hierarchical structure...
penaltyPenalty function on the composite L2, L2-Square, and L1... method for objects of 'cv.cglasso' class method for objects of 'cv.smog' class
plot.smogplot method for objects of 'smog' class
predict.smogpredict method for objects of the class smog
proxComposite proximal operator based on L2, L2-Square, and L1...
proxL1L1 proximal operator
proxL2L2 proximal operator
sim_rct_biomarkerSimulate a randomized clinical trial with biomarkers
smogsmog generic
smog.defaultGeneralized linear model constraint on hierarchical structure...
smog documentation built on Aug. 10, 2020, 5:07 p.m.