
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  sortable_js(
#    "sort1",
#    options = sortable_options(
#      group = list(
#        pull = "clone",
#        name = "sortGroup1",
#        put = FALSE
#      ),
#      onSort = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_vars")
#    )
#  )

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  sortable_js(
#    "sortable_bin",
#    options = sortable_options(
#      group = list(
#        group = "sortGroup1",
#        put = TRUE,
#        pull = TRUE
#      ),
#      onAdd = htmlwidgets::JS("function (evt) { this.el.removeChild(evt.item); }")
#    )
#  )

## ----echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
  system.file("shiny-examples/clone_remove/app.R", package = "sortable")

## ----shiny-clone-remove, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------
#  ## Example shiny app to demonstrate cloning and other sortable_options
#  library(shiny)
#  library(htmlwidgets)
#  library(sortable)
#  library(magrittr)
#  icon_list <- function(x){
#    lapply(
#      x,
#      function(x) {
#        tags$div(
#          icon("arrows-alt-h"),
#          tags$strong(x)
#        )
#      }
#    )
#  }
#  ui <- fluidPage(
#    fluidRow(
#      class = "panel panel-heading",
#      div(
#        class = "panel-heading",
#        h3("Illustration of sortable_options()")
#      ),
#      fluidRow(
#        class = "panel-body",
#        column(
#          width = 4,
#          tags$div(
#            class = "panel panel-default",
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-heading",
#              icon("arrow-right"),
#              "Drag from here (items will clone)"
#            ),
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-body",
#              id = "sort1",
#              icon_list(c(
#                "A",
#                "B",
#                "C",
#                "D",
#                "E"
#              ))
#            )
#          )
#        ),
#        column(
#          width = 4,
#          # analyse as x
#          tags$div(
#            class = "panel panel-default",
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-heading",
#              icon("exchange"),
#              "To here(max 3 items)"
#            ),
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-body",
#              id = "sort2"
#            )
#          ),
#          # analyse as y
#          tags$div(
#            class = "panel panel-default",
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-heading",
#              icon("exchange"),
#              "Or here"
#            ),
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-body",
#              id = "sort3"
#            )
#          )
#        ),
#        column(
#          width = 4,
#          # bin
#          tags$div(
#            class = "panel panel-default",
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-heading",
#              icon("trash"),
#              "Remove item"
#            ),
#            tags$div(
#              class = "panel-body",
#              id = "sortable_bin"
#            )
#          )
#        )
#      )
#    ),
#    sortable_js(
#      "sort1",
#      options = sortable_options(
#        group = list(
#        pull = "clone",
#          name = "sortGroup1",
#          put = FALSE
#        ),
#        # swapClass = "sortable-swap-highlight",
#        onSort = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_vars")
#      )
#    ),
#    sortable_js(
#      "sort2",
#      options = sortable_options(
#        group = list(
#          group = "sortGroup1",
#          put = htmlwidgets::JS("function (to) { return to.el.children.length < 3; }"),
#          pull = TRUE
#        ),
#        swapClass = "sortable-swap-highlight",
#        onSort = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_x")
#      )
#    ),
#    sortable_js(
#      "sort3",
#      options = sortable_options(
#        group = list(
#          group = "sortGroup1",
#          put = TRUE,
#          pull = TRUE
#        ),
#        swapClass = "sortable-swap-highlight",
#        onSort = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_y")
#      )
#    ),
#    sortable_js(
#      "sortable_bin",
#      options = sortable_options(
#        group = list(
#          group = "sortGroup1",
#          put = TRUE,
#          pull = TRUE
#        ),
#        onAdd = htmlwidgets::JS("function (evt) { this.el.removeChild(evt.item); }")
#      )
#    )
#  )
#  server <- function(input, output) {
#    output$variables <- renderPrint(input[["sort_vars"]])
#    output$analyse_x <- renderPrint(input[["sort_x"]])
#    output$analyse_y <- renderPrint(input[["sort_y"]])
#    x <- reactive({
#      x <- input$sort_x
#      if (is.character(x)) x %>% trimws()
#    })
#    y <- reactive({
#      input$sort_y %>% trimws()
#    })
#  }
#  shinyApp(ui, server)

Try the sortable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sortable documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:35 p.m.