Man pages for soundcorrs
Semi-Automatic Analysis of Sound Correspondences

addSeparatorsIntersperse a vector of strings with a character or string.
allCooccsGenerate all co-occurrence contingency tables for a dataset.
allPairsProduce a list of all sound correspondences and all pairs in...
applyChangesApply a series of sound changes to a series of words.
binTableSum all rows and all columns in a table, except for the...
cbind.soundcorrsAttach one or more columns to a 'soundcorrs' object.
char2valueInformation that the 'char2value()' function is obsolete.
checkCountCheck if the 'count' argument is correct.
checkUnitCheck if the 'unit' argument is correct.
collapsePaste and collapse.
cooccGenerate a contingency table of co-occurrences of sound...
expandMetaExpand custom metacharacters to regular expressions.
findExamplesFind all pairs/triples/... with corresponding sequences of...
findPairsA convenience wrapper around 'findExamples'.
findSegmentsInformation that the 'findSegments' function is obsolete.
fitTableFit multiple models to multiple datasets.
formatter.htmlA formatter for 'allPairs'. This one formats to HTML.
formatter.latexA formatter for 'allPairs'. This one formats to LaTeX.
formatter.noneA formatter for 'allPairs'. This one does practically no...
grapes-.-grapesCompose two functions. Haskell-inspired syntactic sugar.
grapes-hasPrefix-grapesCheck if a string starts with another string.
grapes-hasSuffix-grapesCheck if a string ends in another string.
grapes-nin-grapesThe inverse of %in%.
highlightHighlight differences between strings.
lapplyTestApply a function to a list.
list.depthMeasure the depth of a nested list.
list.transposeTranspose a nested list.
loadSampleDatasetLoad one of 'soundcorrs" sample datasets.
long2wideConvert from the long format (single entry per row) to the...
merge.soundcorrsMerge two or more 'soundcorrs' objects.
multiFitFit multiple models to one dataset.
ngramsN-grams and their frequencies.
ngrams.scOneInformation that the 'scOne' class is obsolete.
path2nameExtract file name from path string.
print.df.findExamplesPretty printing for the result of 'findExamples'.
print.list.applyChangesPretty printing for the result of 'applyChanges'.
print.scOneInformation that the 'scOne' class is obsolete.
print.soundchangeA more reasonable display of a 'soundchange' object.
print.soundcorrsA more reasonable display of a 'soundcorrs' object.
print.transcriptionA more reasonable display of a 'transcription' object.
print.tree.applyChangesPretty printing for part of the result of 'applyChanges'.
read.scOneInformation that the 'scOne' class is obsolete.
read.soundcorrsRead data for a single language from a tsv file.
read.transcriptionRead transcription from a tsv file.
revCharRev (reverse the order) for character strings.
scOneInformation that the 'scOne' class is obsolete.
serverThe main server for the UI.
soundchangeConstructor function for the 'soundchange' class.
soundcorrsConstructor function for the 'soundcorrs' class.
soundcorrsGUIGUI for 'soundcorrs'.
subset.soundcorrsReturn a subset of sound correspondences data which meets a...
summary.list.lapplyTestA quick summary of the result of 'lapplyTest'.
summary.list.multiFitA comparison of the results produced by 'fitTable' or...
summary.soundcorrsGenerate a segment-to-segment contingency table for two...
tabAbs2RelConvert a table from absolute to relative values.
transcriptionConstructor function for the 'transcription' class.
uiThe UI for navigation bar.
ui.dataThe UI for the Data page.
ui.examplesThe UI for the Examples page.
ui.soundchangesThe UI for the Sound changes page.
ui.startThe UI for the Start page.
ui.tablesThe UI for the Tables changes page.
vec2df.histA vector to data frame converter for 'fitTable'. This one...
vec2df.idA vector to data frame converter for 'fitTable'. This one...
vec2df.rankA vector to data frame converter for 'fitTable'. This one...
wide2longConvert from the wide format (multiple entries per row) to...
soundcorrs documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 5:09 p.m.