Man pages for spANOVA
Spatial Analysis of Field Trials Experiments using Geostatistics and Spatial Autoregressive Model

aovGeoAnalysis of variance using a geostatistical model to handle...
aovSar.crdUsing a SAR model to handle spatial dependence in a...
aovSar.genUsing a SAR model to handle spatial dependence in an aov...
aovSar.rcbdUsing a SAR model to handle spatial dependence in a...
contr.tukTukey's contrast matrix
crd_simulatedSimulated data set for CRD
rcbd_simulatedSimulated data set for RCBD
spANOVAappShiny app for spANOVA
spCrossvalidCross-validation by kriging
spMVTMultiple comparison test based on multivariate t student...
spScottKnottThe Scott-Knott Clustering Algorithm
spTukeyCompute Tukey Honest Significant Differences for a Spatially...
spVariofitFit a variogram model
spVariogCompute empirical residual variogram for CRD or RCBD.
spANOVA documentation built on June 11, 2021, 9:07 a.m.