elect80: 1980 Presidential election results

elect80R Documentation

1980 Presidential election results


A data set for 1980 Presidential election results covering 3,107 US counties using geographical coordinates. In addition, three spatial neighbour objects, k4 not using Great Circle distances, dll using Great Circle distances, and e80_queen of Queen contiguities for equivalent County polygons taken from file co1980p020.tar.gz on the USGS National Atlas site, and a spatial weights object imported from elect.ford - a 4-nearest neighbour non-GC row-standardised object, but with coercion to symmetry.




A SpatialPointsDataFrame with 3107 observations on the following 7 variables.

  • FIPS: a factor of county FIPS codes

  • long: a numeric vector of longitude values

  • lat: a numeric vector of latitude values

  • pc_turnout: Votes cast as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote

  • pc_college: Population with college degrees as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote

  • pc_homeownership: Homeownership as proportion of population over age 19 eligible to vote

  • pc_income: Income per capita of population over age 19 eligible to vote


Pace, R. Kelley and Ronald Barry. 1997. "Quick Computation of Spatial Autoregressive Estimators", in Geographical Analysis; sourced from the data folder in the Spatial Econometrics Toolbox for Matlab, formerly available from http://www.spatial-econometrics.com/html/jplv7.zip, files elect.dat and elect.ford (with the final line dropped).


if (requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {

spData documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:36 p.m.