
Defines functions spFeatureSelection

Documented in spFeatureSelection

#' SPSA-FSR for Feature Selection and Ranking
#' This function searches for the best performing features and rank the feature importance by implementing simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm given a task and a wrapper. The task and wrapper are defined using the \pkg{mlr3} package.
#' @param task A \code{task} object created using \pkg{mlr3} package. It must be either a \code{ClassifTask} or \code{RegrTask} object.
#' @param wrapper A \code{Learner} object created using \pkg{mlr3} package. Multiple learners object is not supported.
#' @param scoring A performance measure within the \pkg{mlr3} package supported by the \code{task}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments. For more details, see \link[spFSR]{spFSR.default}.
#' @examples
#' library(mlr3)          # load the mlr3 package
#' library(mlr3learners) # load the mlr3learners package
#' task    <- tsk('iris') # define task
#' wrapper <- lrn('classif.rpart')                # define wrapper
#' measure <- msr('classif.acc')
#' # run spsa
#' spsaMod <- spFeatureSelection( task = task,
#'                                wrapper = wrapper,
#'                                scoring = measure,
#'                                num.features.selected = 3,
#'                                n.jobs = 1,
#'                                iters.max = 2,
#'                                num.grad.avg = 1)
#' # obtain summary
#' summary(spsaMod)
#' # plot spsaMod
#' plot(spsaMod)                                # simplest plot
#' plot(spsaMod, errorBar = TRUE)               # plot with error bars
#' plot(spsaMod, errorBar = TRUE, se = TRUE)    # plot with error bars based on se
#' plot(spsaMod, errorBar = TRUE, annotateBest = TRUE)  # annotate best value
#' plot(spsaMod, errorBar = TRUE, ylab = 'Acc measure', type = 'o')
#' # obtain the wrapped model with the best performing features
#' bestMod <- getBestModel(spsaMod)
#' # predict using the best mod
#' pred <- bestMod$predict( task = spsaMod$task.spfs )
#' # Obtain confusion matrix
#' pred$confusion
#' # Get the importance ranks of best performing features
#' getImportance(spsaMod)
#' plotImportance(spsaMod)
#' @return \code{spFSR} returns an object of class "spFSR". An object of class "spFSR" consists of the following:
#' \item{task.spfs}{An \pkg{mlr3} package \code{tsk} object defined on the best performing features.}
#' \item{wrapper}{An \pkg{mlr3} package \code{lrn} object, default is random forest.}
#' \item{scoring}{An \pkg{mlr3} package \code{msr} object as specified by the user.}
#' \item{param best.model}{An \pkg{mlr3} package \code{model} object trained by the \code{wrapper} using \code{task.spfs}.}
#' \item{iter.results}{A \code{data.frame} object containing detailed information on each iteration.}
#' \item{features}{Names of the best performing features.}
#' \item{num.features}{The number of best performing features.}
#' \item{importance}{A vector of importance ranks of the best performing features.}
#' \item{total.iters}{The total number of iterations executed.}
#' \item{best.iter}{The iteration where the best performing feature subset was encountered.}
#' \item{best.value}{The best measure value encountered during execution.}
#' \item{best.std}{The standard deviation corresponding to the best measure value encountered.}
#' \item{run.time}{Total run time in minutes}
#' \item{results}{Dataframe with boolean of selected features, names and measure}
#' \item{call}{Call}
#' @references David V. Akman et al. (2022) k-best feature selection and ranking via stochastic approximation,  \emph{Expert Systems with Applications}, \bold{Vol. 213}. See \doi{10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118864}
#' @references G.F.A Yeo and V. Aksakalli (2021) A stochastic approximation approach to simultaneous feature weighting and selection for nearest neighbour learners,  \emph{Expert Systems with Applications}, \bold{Vol. 185}. See \doi{10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115671}

#' @import stats
#' @import parallel
#' @import tictoc
#' @import mlr3
#' @import mlr3learners
#' @import mlr3pipelines
#' @rdname spFeatureSelection
#' @seealso \link[mlr3]{tsk}, \link[mlr3]{lrn}, \link[mlr3]{msr} and \link[spFSR]{spFSR.default}.
#' @export
spFeatureSelection <- function(
  wrapper = NULL,
  scoring = NULL,

  model <- spFSR.default(
    task = task,
    wrapper = wrapper,
    scoring = scoring,

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spFSR documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:05 p.m.